EDITH-CSA Ecosystem Meeting​

This second and last EDITH ecosystem meeting has as it’s main purpose to inform the ecosystem of progress made on the Virtual Human Twin (VHT) roadmap and proof-of-concept EDITH infrastructure, to obtain input on the last open elements in the VHT roadmap and to start the process of ecosystem validation for the VHT roadmap and its final recommendations. The meeting will be the conclusion of the work performed by the EDITH consortium, expert advisors and the entire ecosystem in a range of activities including online meetings, surveys, online discussions, public writing and physical expert and ecosystem meetings.

Join us if you want to be part of shaping the future of the VHT, and ensure your scientific community’s perspective is well represented in the final VHT roadmap and recommendations.

This meeting is part of the EDITH Coordination and Support Action funded by the Digital Europe program of the European Commission under grant agreement n. 101083771.


Meeting program:

The meeting will start on 15th of July at noon with a lunch and end on the 16th at 4pm.

The program will include plenary talks by strategic keynote speakers, breakout sessions aimed to address the final open elements in the VHT roadmap, and interactive plenary sessions. During the plenary sessions, the VHT EDITH infrastructure will be showcased and the breakout sessions will be reported. Additionally, the participants will be consulted to obtain their input on the plans for the VHT code of conduct, VHT sustainability plans and VHT roadmap recommendations.

The detailed program will follow later.



As the amount of places is limited to 275, please register here.





The local organizing committee recommends the following hotels for your stay in Amsterdam:




KIT Royal Tropical Institute

Mauritskade 64

1092 AD Amsterdam

The Netherlands

How to get to the venue

Public transport

  • Take a train from Schiphol Airport to train station Amsterdam Lelylaan and take the GVB tram 1 (with destination Muiderpoort Station) from train station Lelylaan to tram stop Linnaeusstraat/Wijttenbachstraat. From there you have to walk approximately 4 minutes to KIT.
  • Take a train from Schiphol Airport to train station Amsterdam Muiderpoort and take the GVB tram 1 (with destination Osdorp de Aker) from train station Muiderpoort to tram stop Linnaeusstraat/Wijttenbachstraat. From there you have to walk approximately 4 minutes to KIT.


  • Taxi there is also the possibility to call TCA (taxi Central Amsterdam) with number +31 020 777 7777 or check out their website: TCA | Taxi Amsterdam – you could make a reservation in advance from Schiphol Airport as well with a preferred time
  • Taxi: if you use the Uber app already, you could always book an Uber as well

For all public transport details, you could also check out the app or website www.9292.nl.